Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fender Bender Friday!

Yes that is me standing by the Black Ford Edge!
I had a feeling before I even got into the Edge at work that I needed
to talk to God about safety!
I prayed that he would keep me safe and that I would not have an accident.
All the way on the drive to the Credit Union my thoughts were
"what would I do if I had an accident with a Meridian vehicle"
Well now I know. And God answered half of my prayer, whiplash is all I have.
I was waiting to turn left onto Mountain when I was schmucked from behind,
I never saw it coming! Apparently she did not see me on time either.
What a sweet girl, I felt so bad for her. English is not her first language, French is.
She did not understand half of what was said.
I am thankful I got to meet this young girl.
After Bernie picked me up and brought me back to work I went to fill
out a police report, she was still there waiting for a taxi.
I asked her if I could give her a ride home, she was so distraught.
She accepted and I brought her home.
After my chiro appointment today I feel much better, hope it stays that way!
God is Good, All the time!

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